Can’t let the day go by without a big Valentine to you. We’re all loved; we all can participate in beloved community.
The first part of the 2019 Annual Meeting went off well this past Sunday. After the non-financial annual reports were approved, the resolution to form a social enterprise business trust was received for information. At the annual meeting part 2 on February 24 the resolution will be introduced as a motion and we will discuss it and vote on it. The annual meeting part 2 will also include votes on the financial reports and the nominating committee report. Those reports will be available after worship this coming Sunday, Feb 17.
I have to thank everyone who has contributed to the meticulous task of preparing the annual reports and the resolution regarding the social enterprise business trust. Sometimes these things feel so dry, but they are also so important. Thank you all for attending last week. I look forward to seeing you on Feb 24 for part 2.
On Feb 24 after worship and before annual meeting part 2 we’ll be fed by the Sunday School. They are doing a hot dog fundraiser. (There will be a variety of hot dogs to choose from).
Mark your calendar later in the day on Feb 24 as well for our Black History Jazz Vespers. We’ll be hearing readings from Maya Angelou’s writings and poems, and taking in the jazz of Heather Bambrick and the Adrean Farrugia Trio. There will be a collection – it is pay as you may.
Frost Bites is throughout New Vision, opening tonight and running every evening up to and including Sunday evening. If you want to go, you can purchase tickets at the door.
This Sunday is…well, the Sunday when we don’t have a meeting this month!
See you Sunday ~
Rev Ian