It’s good to be back from the sabbatical leave. Things are humming here at New Vision.
Do you know children in the neighbourhoods around the McNab site aged 5 to 11 looking for summer activities? We will have “Surf Shack” Summer Day Camp for them the mornings of the week of July 25-29. New Vision is organizing it, and a team comes to lead the camp for the week comprised of counselors and a coordinator drawn from United Churches in Hamilton. A great opportunity for all of us on the progressive edge of Christianity to share in a new thing God is doing. A registration form and more info will be on the New Vision website by the end of this week.
Some significant initiatives in seeing into the neighbourhood have been completed this last week…to the right is a photo of the new large sign. The door below and to the left of the sign at present is being made into an accessible glass door. Just as people will be able to see and come in, so New Vision will be able to look and go out –
This Sunday is the once-a-month service in which the band sits in – 10:30 am, through the new accessible doors!
Thinking of bands, I encountered a band in a church in the Brooklyn neighbourhood of Greenpoint. They called themselves “The Mill Street Revival Band.” The church was on Mill Street. Anyone want to offer suggestions for a name for our band? “The HSR Revival Band,” anyone? My current favorite (promoting bicycling and complete streets): “The Social Bike Band.” The band could enter the hall on bicycles at the beginning of the worship service and ride them to their instruments and mics.
Just kidding.
See you Sunday.
peace and grace ~
Rev. Ian