Thursday May 30, 2024
Welcome to this week’s edition of New Vision Notes! If you’re reading for the first time, we’re glad you’ve subscribed. If you’ve been a subscriber for a while, we’re grateful to continue reaching you each week.
This coming Sunday is Pride Sunday (second Sunday after Pentecost). Our service will be led by the Affirming Committee, Rev. Miriam, Rev. Diane and other fabulous folks from our New Vision Community!
- Celebrate the Gifts and Graces of All! A Service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for Pride Season will take place this coming Sunday, June 2nd. New Vision, along with all Affirming congregations in the United Church of Canada, will recognize the role 2SLGBTQ+ folks and allies play in building our communities of faith. All are invited to this inclusion-focused worship (seriously, invite family, friends, that cute person you met once and want to talk to again…). There will be delicious food after the service and DJ Dennis will bring some music to get everyone up and moving. We still need volunteers for kitchen clean-up, dishwashing, and to clean up the social space. Please let Dixon know if you can volunteer on June 2nd.
- Also this coming Sunday, the Wesley Case for Kids event will be held at Bayfront Park from noon till 2:30pm. Case for Kids is a community fundraising event with food, music, activities and fun for all ages and all abilities. This event raises funds for Wesley’s Children and Youth programs in Hamilton, Halton and Brantford. This event, in its 33rd year, is raising funds to operate Wesley’s Children, Youth, and Family programs including the replacement of equipment and refurbishment of spaces in child care, summer day camps, and a wide range of youth outreach and family support programs.Wesley’s youth services works with young people at risk to navigate the many challenges of life. One of the biggest problems we face is when young people are homeless. That’s why seventeen years ago they created Wesley Youth Housing, Hamilton’s only transitional housing program for youth as well as homelessness diversion beds to intervene early. Wesley also operates mobile street outreach teams and recreation-based youth centres in priority neighbourhoods in Hamilton and Brantford.Participants are encouraged to walk, run or ride (bicycle, scooter, etc.) at their own pace around the Bayfront Park pathway, which spans almost 1.5 km. Please see Ralph on Sunday for more information.
From Sulah: World Refugee Day is being celebrated globally on June 20th, highlighting the plight and resilience of refugees. In Kenya, however, the environment remains unsafe for queer asylum seekers and refugees. In response, the Nature Network is organizing an affirming and inclusive celebration on June 20th. This event will feature a movie screening produced by NN refugees and asylum seekers, a panel session discussing critical issues faced by queer refugees, art, performances, a fashion show, and a remembrance ceremony for the lost souls from 2014 to date. We are reaching out to you for support to help make this dream a reality for many queer, displaced individuals. Your contribution will make a significant difference and help NN create a memorable and impactful event.
Attention Music Lovers! Our friends from À La Mode Vocal Ensemble will be in concert next Saturday, June 8th at 7:30pm at The Music Hall! Don’t miss the opportunity to be serenaded by some of the most fantastic voices around, in a concert experience like no other! Please see Martine on Sunday for tickets/info, or click here.
- Also on Saturday June 8th, the Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council will be hosting “Renewal and Transformation… A Season of Hope”. This day of fellowship will take place from 10am till 2:30pm at Wellington Square United Church in Burlington (2121 Caroline Street), and will feature speaker Rev. Alexa Gilmour and an appearance by the world-renowned Toronto Mass Choir, led by the incredible and charismatic Karen Burke.
- The United Church of Canada is turning 100!! Michael Blair is inviting us to attend a special Centennial Kick-off Service to mark this momentous occasion on June 9, 2024. You may read his letter by clicking here.
The United Church of Canada’s Audacious Hope National Gathering 2024 is open for registration until June 15th, 2024 (with early bird pricing ending on May 31st). It will be taking place from July 3-6 at Brock University in St. Catharines and will be an opportunity to be part of an amazing gathering filled with inspiring worship, powerful keynote speakers, and uplifting stories of audacious hope. For more information or to register, please click here.
- Reconciliation: A Vision and a Process, a conversation about local Indigenous history and culture as well as the challenges facing Indigenous peoples today will be held on Monday June 24th at the Neighbour 2 Neighbour Food Centre (310 Limeridge Rd. W.) from 1:30 to 3:00pm. For those wishing to attend, please register with Pam by email at or by calling 905-389-0089.
- Would you like to grow your knowledge of scripture but feel overwhelmed? Reading the bible is not a small task! Why not try daily scripture readings from The Revised Common Lectionary? The Revised Common Lectionary is a three-year cycle of scripture readings used to by the vast majority of mainline Protestant churches in Canada and the United States. Daily readings expand the range of biblical reading in worship and personal devotion. This valuable resource can be accessed here:
- Join us on Sunday mornings 10:30 am week to week either in person at 24 Main St. W. or on Zoom by clicking here. The link is:
- Did you know that we’re also on Facebook? If you’re on Facebook, you’re invited to join our New Vision United Community Group , where we post updates and share with one another online.
Together, let’s celebrate the gifts and graces of all people!