
Thursday September 19, 2024

Welcome to a new edition of New Vision Notes! We are grateful to be reaching your inbox each week.

“When you wear an orange shirt it’s like a little bit of justice for us Survivors in our lifetime, and recognition of a system we can never allow again.” -Phyllis Webstad

This coming Sunday is the 18th Sunday after Pentecost and the 3rd Sunday in the season of Creation. On Sunday we will observe Orange Shirt Day. For non-Indigenous Christians in particular, this is a time to reflect on their role in colonialism and the ongoing responsibility to make reparations. We are excited to welcome Joni Shawana (Healing Fund Program Coordinator with Indigenous Ministries, The United Church of Canada), who will collaborate with Martine and other fabulous folks from our New Vision Community, to bring us a meaningful time of worship. We invite everyone to wear an orange shirt when attending the service as you’re able.


  1. During last Sunday’s service, we marked World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel. Together, wishing for and seeking peace, we lit candles to remember that God is still present, even in the most difficult places and even in the midst of violent conflict. (Photo by Spencer)

  2. New Vision Choir is back! Do you love to sing? But actually… does singing bring you JOY? New Vision’s Choir If you just said YES… then come and sing on Thursday nights with other people who love to sing, too. You do NOT need to read music, and even if you feel like your singing best fits in a shower or when you are humming along in your head — please come and join us. Give it a try and see if it’s a good fit for you.
    Rehearsals are in the main room at New Vision and we enter from the glass door in the alley.  If you can’t attend in person, the CHOIR ZOOM room is always open: Meeting ID: 837 2659 2054. Passcode: 12345. (Please note this is NOT the same link as the Sunday services).
  3. A Call to Support Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel:

    People in Gaza are experiencing utter destruction, loss of lives, and inhumane conditions without access to basic necessities for life. Famine is imminent. Children are particularly impacted. Our faith and our humanity calls us to act now to ensure to ensure a just and lasting peace in Gaza.

    It will take all of our efforts to get the Government of Canada to do everything in its power to help bring an end to the military atrocities in Gaza and to not be complicit in genocide and famine. Please click here to access more information from the United Church of Canada on ways you can help bring an end to the suffering in Palestine.

  4. Pottery Sale! This coming Sunday, Helen will be selling new and previously loved pottery, with all proceeds to benefit the Nature Network.
  5. A New Episode of the Mad and Crip Theology Podcast is now available! Click here to tune in to Miriam’s interview with Zoughbi Zoughbi, who wrote “Trauma and Resistance: Wiam Centre in Palestine.”
  6. A Song of Faith – A Song of Faith, adopted in 2006, seeks to provide a verbal picture of what The United Church of Canada understands its faith to be in the historical, political, social, and theological context of the early 21st century. It is also a means of ongoing reflection and an invitation for the church to live out its convictions in relation to the world in which we live. Please click here to view (and/or download) this important literature.
  7. QR Codes, Online Forms and Info, Oh My!!! You’re invited to scan QR codes with your smartphone when attending worship to access our Order of Service, info about attending worship, and so much more! For those who don’t know how to use QR codes, have no fear! It’s not as difficult as you may think, so please don’t hesitate to ask for help!
  8. Would you like to try leading a worship service? Our worship team is looking for some folks to consider leading worship. It’s a fun and meaningful way to contribute to our faith community! Please reach out to Julie or Dan to learn more about putting a service together.
  9. Enjoy Daily scripture readings from The Revised Common Lectionary:  This three-year cycle of scripture readings is used by most churches in Canada and the US. Let the Word inspire you by visiting
  10. You’re invited! Join us on Sunday mornings 10:30 am week to week either in person at 24 Main St. W. or on Zoom by clicking here. The link is: If you’re on Facebook, you may also want to consider joining our New Vision United Community Group , where we post updates and share with one another online.

Together, let’s celebrate the gifts and graces of all!

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