
All of us are spending a great deal of time at home and that means on our own or with only a very few others. As we come closer to Easter I thought “let’s give some activities that remind us that we are not alone in God’s world a try during the week.”

Below are a couple of different craft ideas for making yourself one (or more!) palm-fronds to have at hand for our virtual worship gathering on Zoom this coming Palm/Passion Sunday.

Since few of us stock craft supplies, the main objective here is, “improvise!” The first palm frond craft (click on the words “the first palm frond craft”) has you trace your hand  — and others as the case may be — to form the frond.  The second palm frond craft makes a fan palm frond. Use whatever comes to hand as the stem — whether a straw or a popsicle stick, or a kitchen implement or the butt-end of a fork or spoon.

You will need to print the second craft. You have a choice of colouring the second craft or printing it in colour from your printer. You’ll need scissors and some tape to stick the stem and frond together. Glue can work for the first craft.


I will send an invitation to join the worship gathering on Palm Sunday later in the week.

Hope you are making out okay during this COVID-19 emergency. Let me know if there is anything I might do for you by emailing me at

Rev Ian

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