
Our Summer Morning Day Camp wrapped up this morning. It was a great success in so many ways. Thanks to all who contributed  – we’re a brave, experimenting community of faith. We’ve all grown from this. Has it been a generation since the United Church has offered something in the order of a summer day camp to the part of downtown we are in? The cam13646691_661020550718542_2060169194_op counselors said good-bye to us with the words, “See you next year!”

The photo shows our campers at Victory Gardens near Hamilton General Hospital with the haul of green beans they had picked. The campers made a field trip by city bus to the gardens on Thursday morning. Their efforts go to a local food bank.

A good number of you showed up for worship in the Church Hall, last Sunday, and all went well. We had to cancel the open air service we’d planned on account of the heat alert.

After this Sunday I am off on vacation for four weeks. Worship leadership has been lined up and we’ll be worshipping every Sunday at the usual of 10:30 am time.

I think New Vision Notes will be going on vacation too.

See you Sunday, and in September, here ~

Rev. Ian

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