New Vision Notes Fri June 30 2023

Fri June 30 2023

  1. Canada Day weekend as a settler institution – I invite you to look for celebrations that mark the day with a recognition of the journey of truth and reconciliation with the first peoples of turtle island.
  2. We will celebrate communion this Sunday.
  3. The Church Council invites you to an information and discussion session following worship on Sunday July 9th on adjustments to our mission and ministry. This is the next step in this adjustment process. It follows up on the consultation we did with Rev. Richard Bott in April and May.
  4. Topics next Sunday include the Trustees’ approach to obtaining a revenue on our surplus space, report on the Called to be the Church stewardship campaign, and introduction to recommendations from Rev Bott’s consultation report. Meeting length 30 minutes to 45 minutes. Attendance either in person or in the Zoom room.
  5. Dr. Bob was noticed at the community consultation on encampments held at the Convention Centre on Tuesday evening posing a very helpful question to the City staff. Participants in the rally held before the consultation at the entrance to the convention centre convened at 24 Main W for a debriefing after the meeting. Those rallying were those living without housing in encampments and elsewhere and their supporters.
  6. The 2023 Soutar Award winner, Heather Morgan, will join us on Sunday July 23 to be presented with the Soutar Award and to break open the Word with us.
  7. The Soutar Award is an award Centenary, and now, New Vision, has awarded each year a Sanford Gold Medal has been awarded at Emmanuel College in Toronto since 1983. 2023 is the award’s 40th anniversary.
  8. New Vision Virtual Worship is experiential, participatory, image-rich and collective, just like worship in person at New Vision! Join us on Sunday mornings 10:30 am week to week during the Covid-19 emergency by clicking here. If you want to put the link someplace easy to find each week, here it is: Please share it with others and invite them to a “different” kind of time on Zoom from the usual.
  9. We continue our current in-person gathering approach: i) we will form the circle again in the lower hall, distancing the seats by a metre for the time being. ii) people may join the circle if they are willing to wear a mask.
  10. The reason for the masks is that we will allow ourselves to sing, and masking reduces the distance air we expel travels with the increased effort singing.
  11. You can also call in to the gathering on the telephone. Call 1 647 374 4685, then, when prompted, input the Meeting ID 782 292 511 followed by the # sign. Ignore the prompts for Participant ID and Password. You are in when the recorded voice says, “You are in the meeting.” If you can only connect by video on your computer with no audio, you can use the phone connection for audio and the computer connection for visual.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday again, or for the first time –

Rev Ian