Okay, it likely won’t happen again soon, my writing New Vision notes on my birthday, so I’ll tell you – today is my birthday.
The nice thing about an early June birthday in this part of the world is that the day is usually not too cold, not too warm, and often enough, sunny.
Like today.
This past Friday in the New Vision sanctuary a community benefit concert was held for Syrian refugee youth – a big welcome from Hamilton to them. It was an impressive playbill of local and internationally acclaimed talent – from Terra Lightfoot to The National. When The National came on at about 10:20 pm there were 800 people in the building. Below is a photo of three of the Arkells singing and playing. The original plan was for Max Kerman, the Arkell lead singer, to sing a few songs alone, but it turned out some of the others decided to join him.
It was fun to watch these bands make sense of playing in a church. You’ll appreciate that most of the time most of them play in little bars here and there around the country and the continent: except, perhaps, for The National. Terra Lightfoot wondered what “church rock” might sound like, since she was no expert.
The benefit raised about $60,000 to go toward creating opportunities for participation by Syrian refugee youth in local youth sports and activities.
This Sunday coming, June 12, some of us (but not me, for obvious reasons) will be travelling to Barton Stone United Church for their regular Sunday morning service to join them in the celebration of their becoming the second Affirming congregation in our city.
The “field trip” to Barton Stone on Sunday has necessitated a change in plans for our annual Pride service. We have moved it to Sunday, June 26.
Monday between 12 noon and 1 pm, you might head over to city hall for the annual Pride and Trans-rights flag raising ceremony. Hamilton’s Pride week is June 11 through June 19. There’s one major Pride event planned this year: “Pride on the Pier,” on Saturday June 18. New Vision will have a booth. I’ll share more about that next week.
Plans are well in hand for our anniversary celebrations the weekend of June 18-19. Saturday evening, June 18, New Vision is having an anniversary party – a pay as you may roast beef dinner followed by entertainment and (it’s been whispered) even dancing. Our yet-to-be-named band is playing a set!
Sunday, Hamilton black activist Evelyn Myrie will be guest reflector at our service at 10:30 am. Evelyn has been working with us on our “deepening understanding for intercultural ministry” initiative to help us to forge authentic intercultural relationships with others in the downtown community. This will be a not-to-be-missed opportunity to be inspired by the possibilities of New Vision.
Peace and grace,
Rev Ian
Summer Day Camp July 25-26 2016