Threshold Partnership

The New Vision Threshold Partnership

Threshold, n.                                                                    

  1. an entrance.
  2. a place or point of beginning; the outset.
  3. transition beyond which an affirming, creative, inclusive and bold community is developing

New Vision is a bold initiative in belonging to a community of faith. Everyone who affirms they seek to

  • follow Jesus by choosing to live a life of compassion
  • live and act in hope for God’s world
  • grow in faith within New Vision United Church

and everyone who also makes these commitments:

  • regular worship attendance
  • generosity in giving
  • practicing a spiritual life in daily living

is a Threshold Partner of New Vision United Church. As such, they have the right to vote at all congregational meetings on all matters, and to take on practically every leadership role New Vision has to offer.

Deepening Faith: Professing Members of New Vision United Church

Persons who have been baptized and confirmed in their baptismal vows in The United Church are “professing members” of New Vision United Church. To be actively involved at New Vision, however, New Vision professing members annually declare themselves to be “Threshold Partners” in New Vision’s annual Threshold Partner recommitment. If they don’t renew their affirmations and commitments, they are kept on New Vision’s “Professing member” roll but are not “Threshold Partners” that year. To be a Threshold Partner of New Vision United Church, a person affirms and commits as described above in “The New Vision Threshold Partnership” and does so on an annual basis. One does not need to be a professing member, therefore, to be a Threshold Partner.

New Vision is committed to a baptizing ministry and seeks to provide opportunities throughout the year for people to become professing members and to develop in their baptismal faith.