New Vision Notes Thanksgiving 2017 Edition

The sanctuary at the MacNab site is emptying. The pews on the main floor are all gone. The furniture that migrated to the sanctuary from other and various places in the building over the years has been moving out into the wider community. The sound booth that closed in the back of the open space in front of the balcony has been dismantled. There’s a sense of expectancy, a breadth of space to be felt: things are changing, but they are not fading away.

Put the date of Thursday October 26 from 5-7 in your datebooks to attend an open house call-to-action to the entire community of Hamilton in our sanctuary to discover a part for yourself in the future of this wonderful space.

New Vision presented something of its story to Hamilton Presbytery on Tuesday evening; then the Presbytery entertained a motion to approve the redevelopment agreement we have with Sedona Development Group for the Holton Ave. site. The Presbytery passed the motion. Our presenters were amazing.

A couple of Saturdays from now our Inside/Out Art Exhibition curator Alison has arranged for a workshop for people to explore sacred geometry and the mandela. You can register for the workshop by emailing the church office at The event takes place on Saturday Oct 21, from 1-4 pm in the church hall. Space is limited, so if you are interested be sure to sign up early.

We could also use some more volunteers to person our “paint the pew” installation in front of Evergreen CityWorks storefront on James N during October art crawl, Friday October 13. To sign up or to learn more about how to help, you can email the church office

Blessings this thanksgiving ~

Rev. Ian