Our service of Remembrance and Hope takes place on Tuesday, Dec 19 at 7 pm in our usual worship space. The service is also known as Blue Christmas to bring home that sadness can be front and centre at this time of year and attending sadness with gentle care can be one of the best things we can do.
This Saturday we are gathering together from 9 to 11 am to start the conversation about New Vision as a social enterprise. We will be fortified by breakfast at 9 am, and aided when we begin at 9:30 am by Rev. David Jagger. David comes to us from the General Council offices. He has been working behind the scenes with us on developing The Music Hall. We’ll have our workshop in the church hall, and you will be able to enter through the usual door in for worship at the corner of Main W and MacNab. You are welcome if you have not yet signed up, though it would be helpful for you to reply to this email to sign up if you haven’t already. This will help with numbers for breakfast.
A week this Saturday is the JR Digs Acoustic Christmas Concert. See the general shape of the evening by checking out JR’s facebook page. He has asked me to make a call for 6-8 volunteers from New Vision to help the 500 or so people feel at home with us in our building. You can reply to this email to sign up.
Jazz Vespers at Christmas last Sunday struck a chord in the jazz community and among some of you. We are planning another one for Sunday, January 21 at 4:30 pm.
Sunday is Advent 3. Our poinsettias will be here. We need drivers to take the ones we are giving to our mobility-challenged folks during the week ahead. Everyone else can pick up their poinsettias after the morning worship service on Christmas Eve, the Sunday following this one.
See you Sunday ~
Rev. Ian