On this day before St. Patrick’s Day, a quote from Irish poet W.B. Yeats, who, perhaps speaking about the saint, said: “Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.“
I guess one could call this the luck of the Irish…
We’re gathering together activities to bring us to Easter Day. On Sunday April 2 you are invited to join in a drumming workshop after our post-worship time of hospitality. The drumming workshop is part of our initiative to expand our congregational “sound envelop.” The workshop will be led by Tribal Thunder www.tribalthunder.com. They will bring enough drums for everyone. There are more than enough spots for us to invite friends. Everyone can drum; everyone is welcome!
The following Sunday is Palm and Passion Sunday. Perhaps we’ll have some drumming for our palm procession coming out of the drumming workshop the previous Sunday. We’ll share a community meal after worship. It will be pay-as-you-may.
Maundy Thursday we will have our footwashing and communion in the upper narthex at 7 pm. This worship reflects on Jesus’ command to “love one another as I have loved you.”
Good Friday we walk the downtown social justice stations of the cross walk. The walk through the downtown begins at 2 pm at New Vision.
And then it is Easter.
See you Sunday!
Rev. Ian