The Congregation is gathering on Sunday October 26 after service to decide on its name.
There are three choices. Here they are, in alphabetical order:
- Gateway United Church
- New Vision United Church
- Sanctuary United Church
We met as a congregation after service on Sunday, October 19th and, through conversation and prayer, brought the list of names for consideration down from 15 to 3.
Please participate in this historic and prayerful vote! It’s a $2 Hot Dog Sunday, with proceeds to the Sunday School. Hot and cold beverages will be provided.
Here’s a quick background, provided by the New Church Task Group, on each of the three names.
1. Gateway United
Gateway refers to a portal or doorway. Our church community is a portal inviting us to deepening our relationship with God. It is also a doorway for welcoming our marginalized neighbours into our Church family.
2. New Vision United
We join together as a new birth congregation with a new, shared, vision of our place in God’s world in the downtown core, seeking to turn our vision into a vibrant mission.
3. Sanctuary United
Sanctuary describes a sacred place of refuge or safety. In biblical descriptions, sanctuary describes the habitation of God, erected that God might dwell among all the people.
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday at church!
With best wishes, and God’s blessing, from your friends.