Experience General Council from Anywhere!
Even if you aren’t in Ottawa, there are many ways to connect, share, and follow the 41st General Council in real time!
The GC41 website offers a variety of mobile and desktop friendly options to follow the proceedings of the 41st General Council which will be meeting at Carleton University, August 11-18, 2012.
Daily News
A team of reporters will bring you continuous news coverage of the work and activities of the 41st General Council. Follow the GC41 News page to keep up to date!
Streaming Video
Watch GC41 virtually, including worship, plenary sessions, nominee speeches, the vote for the next Moderator- and more-directly on GC41.ca! You can also log in using your Facebook or Twitter account to share comments and discuss the proceedings. Tune in starting Saturday, August 11, to see General Council in action.
Facebook and Google+
The United Church Facebook page will feature ongoing news, commentary, video, and photos throughout the 41st General Council. Follow the United Church page to share your own comments and keep up-to-date on all the proceedings. Connect with GC41 on Google+ as well!
Twitter is a great way to connect with GC41! Follow @UnitedChurchCda for the latest, up-to-the-minute updates from GC41! Share your tweets at #GC41 and join in the discussion with others.
WonderCafe and Caféchange
Join the conversation at WonderCafe and Caféchange (en français) to discuss the 41st General Council. Share your perspectives with the members of these lively online communities.
Each day short video clips will be posted on the United Church channel offering new perspectives on General Council, from breaking news to peeks behind the scenes at GC41!
Follow the GC41 Flickr collection at www.GC41.ca. Those attending the council can also share their own photos via our GC41 Flickr Group.