Donna Robinson funeral

Bulletin from Donna Robinson's Funeral Service
Bulletin from Donna Robinson’s
Funeral Service

Donna’s brother Chris has kindly given us an electronic version of the bulletin from her funeral service that was held Saturday October 3 2015 at the First Christian Reformed Church in Hamilton. Click the graphic to open (jpg).

If you would like an audio file of the eulogy, please email with your email address.

Flowers for Easter 2015

pixie_lilyEaster Sunday is April 5 and Palm Sunday is March 29. We’ll be ordering Pixie Lilies again this year at $8 per pot and your choice of yellow or orange. Please place your order on or before Sunday March 22. The order form is linked here as a PDF and will also be in the bulletin.

If you know of a person who cannot get out to the Easter service(s) and would appreciate receiving a pot of lilies, please provide the name and address to Bev in the office.

Also, please sign up to deliver flowers on or before Easter Sunday.

(Just fyi– these are hardy lilies and can be planted in your garden for perennial enjoyment)

The Main News

Here’s the text of the newsletter that was included with the June 30 2013 bulletin. News about the amalgamation…

The Main News – June 30, 2013

On Sunday, June 23, St. Giles and Centenary promised to work together with Rev. Sloan and Hamilton Presbytery as “One Main Street United Church creating a tipping point for an inclusive and affirming ministry.”
Here are some useful things to know —
Main Street Task Group Members

  • St Giles: George MacCuish, Helen Bradley, Janet Long, Lee Carpenter, Nancy Corman
  • Centenary: Bob Marentette, Bob Ward, Erick Feltham, Isaac Van Geest, Jeff Braun-Jackson,
  • Karen Mathewson
  • Minister: Ian Sloan
  • Presbytery: Rev. Brian Donst, Doug Caldwell

The Task Group will work with everyone to achieve the merger.

Main Points

  • “One Main Street United Church” is a working name – the new name will come from the emerging congregation
  • Disposition of property will be done after the amalgamation, by the new congregation
  • Prior to amalgamation the legal decision-making bodies for each church remain the St. Giles Council and the Centenary Board
  • Developing successful amalgamation terms will require participation from everyone

Main Merger Timeline
1. Put the Vision Statement into functional terms
and define the space required for it    – Christmas 2013
2. Develop the organizational structure for the new pastoral charge – March 2014
3. Develop a worship practice for the new congregation – already begun, finalized March 2014
4. Voting Day: May 4th 2014
5. Amalgamation: June 8th 2014, Pentecost