I am off to the Skylight Festival in a few minutes for the weekend. Here’s what the organizers of this Paris Ontario camping festival say about themselves:
“We are a small, ecumenical group of people passionate about arts, faith and justice. We each found ourselves longing to create an open space for people of diverse backgrounds to come together, exploring faith while engaging in art and being inspired by speakers and seekers of justice. So, we began to gather and dream. And the vision of Skylight emerged…
“The Skylight Vision… Nurturing a narrative of hope, joy and transformation, the Skylight Festival is a celebratory and creative space where diverse communities connect to explore arts, faith, peace and justice.”
I’m joining a group at the festival put together by our friends in the UCC EDGE network for ministry development who are involved as we are in new ministry initiatives. The group is made up of people who are taking an ordered ministry leadership role in these initiatives. We’ll meet before the festival begins and after it ends to share news and develop methods of supporting each other and our initiatives. As you know at New Vision, none of us can do these things alone.
Then I’m off to my cottage for four weeks. I’ll be kayaking, painting (it sure needs it) and doing not much of anything at all.
I’ll be back at New Vision on August 28, getting ready for our Season of Creation celebrations that begin on Sunday, September 3.
In the meantime, the Worship Committee has lined up a dynamic series of Sunday worship gatherings, so be sure to get out to New Vision in the next few weeks.
Enjoy the rest of the summer,