Some core-identity activities are before us in the next several weeks.
I am flabbergasted. I said I would have on-line ticketing available for our Third Anniversary Dinner Party and Dance. And I have succeeded! I owe a considerable debt of gratitude to Rob Vanderheyden who worked with me this morning to such a happy outcome.
You can purchase tickets for our fabulous Dinner Party and Dance on Saturday June 17 by clicking here, Third Anniversary Dinner Party and Dance.
Rob is becoming our go-to web tech person. Check out New Vision on the web.
The Faith Commuter Challenge starts today and runs through Sunday June 11. Log how you get to church the next two Sundays on the form at Faith Commuter Challenge. Go green!
Case for Kids, Wesley’s annual walk around Bayfront Park to raise funds for children’s programming, occurs this Sunday afternoon. Registration at Bayfront begins at 1 pm and the walk at 2 pm. There are t-shirts for all who turn out to walk. Register on site as part of the New Vision team, then look for the rest of us.
Sunday June 11 is our Pride Sunday. It occurs this year on the same Sunday we pay special attention to the Trinity, so our theme this year is “New Vision Pride: Beyond Us! ~ The Community of Divine Diversity.” We have as guest speaker Nomvelo Nkomo-Dingani, Afriucan Caribbean Community Outreach Worker for the AIDS Network.
Then Sunday June 18 we celebrate in worship our third anniversary as a congregation. We’ll celebrate as Threshold Partners and hear from a guest preacher who knows us well from afar: Executive Director of the United Church EDGE Network of Ministry Development, Rev. Rob Dalgleish.
See you Sunday ~
Rev. Ian