I’ve noticed that I have pretty much devoted these notes to letting you know what’s going on at New Vision in worship from week to week.
The funny thing is, the web can let me do so much more.
It will let me share lots and lots of things at a speed much faster than this Sunday to the next.
So I am thinking about how I can expand or shift the content of these notes to become a more stand-alone product.
Maybe they ought to be a more stand-alone product; maybe not. If you have any thoughts on the matter, let me know ~
This Sunday is our New Vision band sitting-in Sunday. I am out of town because of a regional meeting of United Churches. The Worship Committee is leading worship.
The following Sunday is our Faith Commuter Challenge Sunday. Walk, ride, roll, carpool or take public transit to worship June 4. If you already do, great! Register how you come and go on Sunday June 4 online at https://faith.commuterchallenge.ca/register/individual.
I am still working at figuring out how you can purchase tickets for our Third Anniversary Dinner Party and Dance Saturday June 17 on-line. Perhaps next week!
See you in a couple of Sundays ~
Rev. Ian