Seems March came in like a lion sticking its tongue out for great big fat snowflakes to land on.
The Annual Meeting went off well last Sunday. Thanks to all who made this fourth annual event a pleasure to be part of. Much work was celebrated, and more contemplated and offered up for the year ahead to the glory of God.
Our Music Hall initiative continues to gather momentum. For those who use twitter, you might look for the Music Hall’s handle @musichallhamont and see what traffic has been generated about it in the last few days.
People in the wider community have responded to our invitation to come make spiritual events happen in The Music Hall with us. That’s the genesis of our Jazz Vespers. This month we’re dedicating the jazz vespers to families and children, offering jazz for the rhyming rocket Dennis Lee’s poetry. It’s a gateway into a special space.
On March 21 from 6-8 pm a group led by Kenny Kirkwood is inviting the community to a “Spring Equinox Gathering for Life.”
This event is being led by an informal group gathered together by Kenny. They are deeply committed to healing peace work, particularly in the relationship between settler and first nations peoples. Kenny says come join in the meal, the lamentation and celebration, reflection and song, bringing your own drum, instrument or sketch pad. There will be a traditional indigenous opening to the event.
See you on Sunday, for the 3rd Sunday of Lent ~
Rev. Ian