Fri Feb 12 2021
1. This Sunday continues our Black History month celebrations with the New Vision Players sharing aspects of jazz immortal Louis Armstrong’s participation in the American civil rights movement.
2. Join together for Saturday Night at the Movies, on Sat. Feb. 27 at 7 pm, in recognition of Black History Month. We will be watching “Journey to Justice”, a film paying tribute to a group of Canadians who took racism to court. They are Canada’s unsung heroes in the fight for Black civil rights. Their stories deserve to be told. Join in using the following link: . Presented by the Affirming Committee, with discusssion to follow this 50 min. long film.
3. New Vision Threshold Partners Annual Meeting will take place this Sunday, Feb 21 after our virtual worship gathering. A link to the annual report 2020 will be made available to you before the meeting begins if you have not yet seen the report. If you can have a copy open on your computer prior to the meeting that would be helpful.
4. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions on how to bridge between the worship gathering time and the meeting this Sunday. Here is the plan: we will take a 20 minute break and play a music stream and run a count-down clock on the New Vision video feed after the worship gathering ends. You can turn your video off and go get yourself something to eat and then come back to the gathering at the commencement of the meeting.
5. Even though Hamilton has moved into the Province of Ontario’s “red zone” the New Vision Church Council continues to prefer New Vision not participate in potentially virus-spreading activities in the community. I am sad to say this means that New Vision folks without access to Zoom will have to wait for a while more to participate in person at 24 Main W in our Zoom worship gathering on Sundays. I know those gathering on Zoom keenly miss those who have been gathering in person. I am looking forward to the day we can meet again in person.
6. New Vision Virtual Worship is experiential, participatory, image-rich and collective, just like worship in person at New Vision! Join us on Sunday mornings 10:30 am week to week during the Covid-19 emergency by clicking here. If you want to put the link someplace easy to find each week, here it is: Please share it with others and invite them to a “different” kind of time on Zoom from the usual.
7. You can also call in to the gathering on the telephone toll free. Call 1 855 703 8985, then, when prompted, input the Meeting ID 782 292 511 followed by the # sign. Ignore the prompts for Participant ID and Password. You are in when the recorded voice says, “You are in the meeting.” If you can only connect by video on your computer with no audio, you can use the phone connection for audio and the computer connection for visual.
8. For updates on New Vision plans in the post Covid-19 emergency recovery, please visit
Hope to see you Sunday – again, or for the first time ~
Rev Ian