New Vision Notes Thursday January 4 2018

“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been.”-  Rainer Maria Rilke

I hope that you had a pleasant and deeply satisfying season of holidays. Often such deep joy wells up from places of loss, as we contemplate new life in Jesus Christ.

We begin the new year at New Vision with a Sunday gathering (January 14) to learn about and participate in the United Church of Canada’s Iridesce: The Living Apology Project. We will be engaged by Iridesce coordinator Aaron Miechkota in worship and workshop, helping us answer the question, “How welcoming has our welcome been” to the LGBTQ community? For more information see our New Vision United Church facebook event posting.

A second Jazz Vespers at New Vision takes place Sunday afternoon, January 21, at 4:30 pm. The theme is “A New England Winter’s Day” and will feature some cool yet warm jazz by some fabulous Hamilton jazz musicians and some winter poems from New England offered by Rev. Ian Sloan who will join them in our Music Hall. Simple and delicious meal after. Pay as you may for the meal and the music.

See you Sunday for our first worship gathering of the new year ~

Rev Ian