This is the long weekend edition of New Vision Notes. The long weekend means endless summer begins to lap up against the New Vision community of faith.
The last Sunday of May the band will be sitting in and the Worship Committee will lead worship while I am off to the Annual Meeting of Hamilton Conference.
We’re looking ahead to a lively June. We’ll have our annual Pride worship Sunday June 11. Then Sunday June 18 we’ll mark our third anniversary with Rev. Rob Dalgleish breaking open the word for us. Rob is director of the United Church EDGE network of which we are a part.
Saturday evening, June 17, we’ll party as a community of faith celebrating our third anniversary with a dinner and a dance. Our talented New Vision band will play the dance. A way to purchase tickets for the party will be available on our website soon. We’ll contribute whatever money we raise to our Syrian Newcomer Refugee Project.
See you sometime in endless summer ~
Rev. Ian