New Vision’s initiative to develop a live music and social justice centre in the community as part of its mission was noticed this week in Hamilton:
New Vision hopes to make landmark downtown church into a music venue
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Our Pride Sunday worship was excellent in so many different ways. The theme “Beyond Us! The Community of Divine Diversity” played on the ancient notion of the Trinity. We were gifted at the service with the anonymous donation of an acrylic painting expressing the theme.
Monday several joined together in the Holton Ave. site bell tower to ring out the bell 49 times to remember the 49 victims of murder in the Pulse nightclub in Orlando last year. Most were young, trans* or queer, and racialized. This You Tube video by Luke Fillion takes footage from our bell ringing and overlays the names of the victims. Take a moment with it.
It is not too late to buy tickets for our 3rd Anniversary Dinner Party and Dance on Saturday evening. You can now navigate from our website’s homepage to the ticket purchasing page. Our own New Vision band will play a couple of sets and the choir will present some songs as after dinner entertainment. The link is directly below the homepage menu and New Vision banner.
Blessings on those tending our booth at Pride in the Park this Saturday afternoon. The Celebration this year is at the Corktown Park, not Pier Four. Come join us at Pride in the Park.
On Anniversary Sunday Rev. Rob Dalgleish of the United Church’s Edge: Network for New Ministry Development is our guest preacher at worship.
See you Sunday ~
Rev Ian