You are invited to our Holton Ave. site at 85 Holton Ave. S (Holton and Main E) on Monday, June 12 at 12:30 pm to remember the Orlando Pulse nightclujb mass murders that occurred last year at this time. The Affirming Committee plans to ring one of the bells of the carillon 49 times to remember the 49 victims of the Orlando massacre: 49 mostly young people who were mostly people of colour, mostly trans* and queer, targeted in one of the worst mass acts of violence against LGBTQ communities in anyone’s memory.
Enter the church at 85 Holton S by the glass doors by the parking lot.
If you want to climb up into the bell tower (youi’ll have to climb a ladder) you can join with others in ringing out our grief and our commitment to safe space for racialized, queer and trans* persons.
If you can’t attend, hold in prayer those ringing the bells, those whose lives were full of life, cut brutally short, and all those who miss them.
Rev. Ian