New Vision Notes Wed May 27 2020

  1. This year Case for Kids, Wesley’s fundraiser for its children and youth programs, is going to be run slightly differently, as COVID-19 continues to challenge our community. Instead of their usual Walk, Run, Ride at Bayfront Park on the first Sunday of June, we’re invited to get creative and inspired to carry on the spirit of Case for Kids and raise money as a team or individual during the month of June! You can register as an individual or part of a team and choose a fitness challenge, virtual baking, crafting, book club, relaxation or any other ideas on Sunday June 7 or during the month of June. For more info, follow this link.
  2. New Vision Virtual Worship is experiential, participatory, image-rich and collective, just like worship in person at New Vision! Join us on Sunday mornings 10:30 am week to week during the Covid-19 by following this link. If you want to put the link someplace easy to find each week, here it is:
  3. You can also call in to the gathering on the telephone toll free. Call 1 855 703 8985, then, when prompted, input the Meeting ID 782 292 511 followed by the # sign. Ignore the prompts for Participant ID and Password. You are in when the recorded voice says, “You are in the meeting.”
  4. Last Sunday we were treated to New Vision Players and New Vision Choir contributions. The New Vision Player’s skit will live forever in the memory of those who participated in our virtual worship gathering last Sunday. You can enjoy the New Vision Choir’s anthem again or for the first time at this You Tube link. Thank you all!
  5. #iso (in search of) a lawn mower to borrow to mow the lawns at the New Vision Holton Ave property. If you can lend us one on some sunny day soon, please contact Dan Peace
  6. #iso of volunteers to do a clean-up of the Holton grounds. We’ll be observing proper social distancing. Contact
  7. There will be a Threshold Partners meeting following the worship gathering on June 14. If you are a Threshold Partner, you will be receiving a separate email in the next few days from Bob Marentette, Council Chair, calling the meeting and providing access info.
  8. Not sure if you are a Threshold Partner or not? Email
  9. Zoom will force Zoom users to download and install a security upgrade beginning after midnight this Saturday, May 30. The upgrade is required to significantly increase the security of the Zoom network and its meetings. It is not optional. You can download and install the upgrade now (and save the headache that you risk Sunday morning as you wait for it to download and install at the time of our worship gathering) by following this link  and scroll down till you come to the download link.
  10. Upcoming worship gatherings: this Sunday, Pentecost!; June 7, Celebrating Pride; June 21, New Vision’s 6th Anniversary.

Hope to see you Sunday at our virtual worship gathering ~

Rev Ian